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Danny Lawson named Photographer of the Year at the National Press Awards

By Christopher Henry-Reeve 03/04/2019

PA photographer Danny Lawson was named ‘Photographer of the Year’ at the Society of Editors’ National Press Awards on Tuesday 2 April.

His latest accolade follows two prizes at the Picture Editors’ Guild Awards in March and a double win in the News Media Association’s Royal Rota photography competition in December.

The National Press Awards for 2018 celebrated the excellence across all aspects of journalism in the UK. The event, held at the Royal Lancaster London and attended by some 500 guests

Staff photographers Jane Barlow and Mike Egerton were also shortlisted in the ‘Photographer of the Year’ and ‘Sport Photographer of the Year’ categories respectively.

Danny’s winning portfolio included the now iconic image of Meghan Markle walking down the aisle at St George’s Chapel in Windsor.

The judges said that their winner offered a set of photos elevated above the rest. In particular, they highlighted the “stunning, ethereal picture of Meghan Markle” and Danny’s “extraordinary shot of the Saddleworth Moor fire [which] provided a visceral contrast”.

The full list of winners from the Society of Editors’ Press Awards for 2018 can be seen here.

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