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Clive Marshall chosen as one of Grant Thornton’s ‘100 Faces of a Vibrant Economy’

By Christopher Henry-Reeve 13/11/2018

PA Group CEO Clive Marshall has been named as one of the ‘Faces of a Vibrant Economy’ by the accountancy firm, Grant Thornton UK LLP.

Each year, Grant Thornton’s UK operation selects 100 individuals from across the country, representing  a diverse range of sectors and industries. These ‘Faces of a Vibrant Economy’ include business leaders, entrepreneurs, local government innovators and third sector trailblazers – recognised for their commitment to developing an economy that enables people, organisations and communities to flourish.

Created in 2016, the annual programme connects leaders with similar mind-sets and missions, who may otherwise never meet. It provides an opportunity to share ideas and insights, as well as learn from each other.

Clive was recognised for his role in consolidating the PA Group’s position as a leading supplier of multimedia content and services around the world. Grant Thornton highlighted his success in diversifying the PA Group to include areas like data, branding, camera systems, content strategy, video solutions, communications and more.

In an interview with Grant Thornton, Clive reiterated his commitment to integrity and transparency in business and – most importantly – high quality journalism.

“So much has changed in media over the last 150 years, but we have evolved and will continue to do so while maintaining our core values of accuracy, speed and impartiality,” he said. “In the current climate of fake news stories and accusations of bias, PA Group’s reputation is built on the trust our customers have in our services.”

Sacha Romanovitch, CEO at Grant Thornton UK LLP, said:

“From jet aircraft manufacturers, farmers, local government leaders dance school principals; our Faces share the same commitment to make a positive impact. For many of these leaders, clear purpose is the North Star, helping them to navigate and make the right decisions in the longer term. Being purpose-led in this way involves a fundamental mindset shift from ‘what I can do’, towards ‘what we collectively can do’.  

“By celebrating these remarkable leaders, we recognise their role in developing a more purposeful and innovative business environment. They show us how business can be done through ‘human’ leadership which nurtures talent.  They provide examples to inspire other business leaders and the next generation to shape a Vibrant Economy. They demonstrate that profits with purpose lead to sustainable business, and show us that it’s not only possible, but also necessary, to do well by doing good.”
All of Grant Thornton’s ‘Faces of a Vibrant Economy’ for 2018 can be found on the company’s campaign website, here.

Clive’s full interview is available below.

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