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PA provides content for 'MyEdinburgh' - a new editorial channel from JCDecaux

By Christopher Henry-Reeve 26/04/2017

Edinburgh is set to benefit from an exciting new content channel – on digital screens across the capital. In a unique partnership with PA – the national news agency for the UK and Ireland – JCDecaux will create a bespoke content channel for the city, showcasing the latest arts & entertainment listings, and business and sports headlines from PA, as well as weather updates.

From 26 April, the ‘MyEdinburgh’ editorial will show across screens in Princes Street bus shelters, Edinburgh Waverley station and at Edinburgh Airport.

Suzanne Williamson, Development Director at JCDecaux, said: “MyEdinburgh is part of our commitment to enhancing our service to the City of Edinburgh. JCDecaux’s digital expertise and partnership with PA enables this city channel to be curated and delivered dynamically, keeping people in Edinburgh up-to-date with what’s on in the city, whether they are out and about shopping, socialising, commuting or visiting the capital.”

Pete Clifton, Editor-in-Chief at PA, said: “Edinburgh is a vibrant city, with lots to see and do. We are working closely with JCDecaux to make sure that as people move through the city, they are never far from trusted guides on Edinburgh’s thriving arts scene, as well as the most important business and sports headlines.”

‘MyEdinburgh’ is PA’s latest collaboration with the outdoor advertising company; in April, business-focused content launched on screens in the City of London, and in 2016 updates from the European Championships and the Olympic Games were shared with fans across the UK via JCDecaux’s network of screens.

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