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Dominic Lipinski named Photographer of the Year at industry awards

By Christopher Henry-Reeve 15/03/2017

Congratulations to Dominic Lipinski who was named Photographer of the Year at the Society of Editors National Press Awards – described as the ‘Oscars’ for the UK’s national newspapers and media.

PA had a great showing at this year’s event; Mike Egerton was highly commended in the ‘Sports Photographer of the Year’ category, while Stefan Rousseau and Martin Rickett were also shortlisted for photography awards.

Here’s a reminder of Dominic’s winning portfolio, along with a commentary on the pictures from the man himself:

“The picture of Queen Elizabeth II looking out of the window of Buckingham Palace was a completely unexpected moment at a big set-piece event where the day was filled with pre-planned pictures. It shows a different side to the monarch as she looks disapprovingly out at the rain – in exactly the same way in which we all do.”

“Boris Johnson appearing to shelter behind an unusually tall policeman in the media scrum as he left his London home… was an unusual and humorous moment on a day where Mr Johnson announced that he would not be standing as Prime Minister in the wake of the Brexit vote.”

“Finally, the photo of runners in the London Marathon passing the Old Royal Naval College in Greenwich is a feature picture which illustrates a well-covered annual event in a new way, and was used prominently by number of national papers and online the following day.”

Congratulations, Dominic!

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