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PA creates bespoke content for bwin’s online betting community

By Christopher Henry-Reeve 13/12/2016

Visitors to the leading betting site bwin now have access to a variety of exclusive news stories and other content produced by PA (the Press Association), the UK’s preeminent provider of multimedia content and services.

The new content partnership between PA and bwin – owned by GVC Holdings PLC – sees PA journalists creating bespoke material for the bwin website each week. All betting-related stories created by PA will feature odds supplied by bwin.

Among the content supplied to bwin will be text and video stories comprising match previews, stats-based articles and quizzes. Stories will mainly relate to Premier League football, though data from major European leagues will also be incorporated where relevant.

Ashley Broadley, Sports Editor at PA, said, “This new partnership combines PA’s fantastic reputation for high quality, trustworthy content with bwin’s passionate betting community. Betting content is a rapidly growing area for PA, and I’m pleased to see our specialist data, graphics and editorial teams working collaboratively with bwin to create compelling content for the site’s subscribers.”

Jay Dossetter, Head of Media Relations at GVC said, “Providing great content to our customers is a key part of our offer. We are delighted to be working with PA, one of the most respected names in the business, to create quality, thought provoking content.”

The new content partnership came into effect in November. To sample the stories and graphics created by PA, visit

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