Ed Miliband was pictured during the 2015 general election campaign (Stefan Rousseau/PA)

Fact check: Picture of Ed Miliband coming off a plane is from 2015

By August Graham, PA
8:58 - July 17, 2024

A photograph of Energy Security and Net Zero Secretary Ed Miliband getting off a jet has been shared widely on social media.

In one case the picture was accompanied by a caption reading: “I see Ed Miliband is off in his ‘NOT Zero’ Ukulele tour via private Jet.”


The photograph is from the 2015 general election campaign.

The facts

A reverse image search shows that the photograph was used in a news article from more than nine years ago.

The image shows Mr Miliband, who was then the leader of the Labour Party, getting off an Embraer jet.

The photograph was from the 2015 general election campaign and reportedly showed him coming off a runway in Glasgow.


Post on X (archived)

Second post on X (archived)

News article from 2015 (archived)

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