Labour’s figure only considers the change to six household outgoings – energy, groceries, council tax, mortgages, personal tax and motoring (James Manning/PA)
By Full Fact via Election Check 24 | 15:53 - June 07, 2024

Fact check: Labour’s cost-of-living claim, Ofsted ratings and share buybacks

Are families £5,883 worse off under Rishi Sunak?

The Labour Party has claimed on social media that “under Rishi Sunak, typical families are now £5,883 worse off”. And in a press release which was reported on by a number of news outlets, it made a slightly more specific claim that “the typical household is now £5,883 worse off since 2019”.

Although it wasn’t made explicit in the claims we’ve seen, the figure appears to be an annual estimate – in other words, Labour seems to be claiming typical families are £5,883 a year worse off in 2024 than they were in 2019.

However, there are a number of problems with Labour’s figure.

For example, it only considers the change to six household outgoings – energy, groceries, council tax, mortgages, personal tax and motoring. These outgoings don’t apply to all families, for instance, many don’t have a car or a mortgage. And equally, the figure doesn’t include many other outgoings faced by families.

Another problem is that the figure doesn’t take into account any changes in wages or benefits since 2019, with some wages and benefits having risen, in cash terms at least.

Figures from the independent Office for Budget Responsibility on real household disposable income per person — a measure of living standards that does take changes to wages and benefits into account — show a fall of £166 per person between 2019/20 and 2024/25.

Ofsted school ratings

A number of Conservative candidates have claimed that the proportion of schools rated ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’ by Ofsted has increased from 68% under Labour to 90% under the Conservatives.

That is technically accurate for schools in England, comparing the latest Ofsted data to that in 2010, when Labour was last in government. But changes to the way schools are inspected since 2010 mean that a direct comparison between these two time periods is difficult.

As Ofsted’s methodology explains, a number of factors affect the comparability of the most recent inspection outcomes for all schools and the data should “be used with caution”.

However, when the Office for Statistics Regulation was asked to look at this claim recently, it stopped short of calling it misleading, saying the figures could be a useful indicator.

How much would the Lib Dem plan to tax share buybacks raise?

The Liberal Democrats have claimed their proposed 4% share buyback tax could raise around £1.4 billion a year, which the party says would pay for extending free school meals to an additional 900,000 children.

The £1.4 billion estimate has been challenged, however, with the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) predicting that the tax would change behaviour.

Stuart Adam, a senior economist at the IFS, said he’d be “surprised if a 4% tax on share buybacks in the UK raised much revenue”, adding: “To a large extent I would expect companies simply to stop using share buybacks, and to pay dividends instead if they wanted to return money to shareholders.”

However, the Liberal Democrats have claimed their calculations are “cautious” and allow for behavioural change.

Full Fact is an independent UK charity. Its team of fact checkers and campaigners work to find, expose and counter the harms of bad information.

Election Check 24