Capturing Magic : Mastering the Golden Hour in Photography

The “golden hour” is a term that resonates deeply with photographers, evoking visions of magical lighting and stunning visuals. It is the period of time shortly after sunrise and just before sunset when the sunlight is soft, warm, and diffused, creating ideal conditions for photography. Here’s an in-depth look at why the golden hour is so cherished and how photographers can make the most of it.

What is the Golden Hour?

The golden hour refers to the first hour after sunrise and the last hour before sunset. During these times, the sun is low in the sky, producing light that is softer and more diffuse compared to the harsh midday sun. The angle of the sun creates long shadows and a golden hue, adding depth and dimension to photographs.

Characteristics of Golden Hour Light

Several distinctive qualities make the golden hour a favourite among photographers:

  • Softness: The light is less intense and harsh, reducing the risk of overexposed highlights and deep shadows. This softness creates a more flattering illumination for subjects, especially in portrait photography.
  • Warmth: The light has a warm, golden tint due to the longer path it travels through the atmosphere, scattering shorter blue wavelengths and allowing the warmer colours to dominate. This warmth enhances skin tones and adds a pleasing glow to landscapes.
  • Directionality: The low angle of the sun produces long, gentle shadows that add depth and texture to images. This directional light helps to emphasise the contours and shapes of subjects, making photos more dynamic and three-dimensional.
  • Contrast: The gentle transition between light and shadow during the golden hour results in a balanced contrast that is visually appealing. This balance helps to preserve details in both the highlights and shadows of a photograph.

Techniques for Shooting During the Golden Hour

The golden hour is fleeting, so it’s crucial to plan the shoot in advance. Knowing the exact times for sunrise and sunset, and scouting locations beforehand can help maximise the limited window of ideal light.

Reflectors can bounce the golden light back onto the subject, filling in shadows and adding a soft, natural highlight. This is particularly useful in portrait photography to achieve an even lighting effect.

Experiment with various angles relative to the sun. Shooting with the sun behind the subject (backlighting) can create a beautiful halo effect, while side lighting emphasises textures and contours.

The strong directional light of the golden hour is perfect for creating silhouettes. Position the subject between the camera and the sun, expose for the bright background, and let the subject fall into shadow. If possible, also incorporate natural elements like trees, mountains, or buildings to frame the shot and add context. For that pop-up PR stunt in London, think about the skyline on the Thames and how this may add some context and locality for your project.

Post-Processing Golden Hour Photos

Post-processing can further enhance golden hour photos. For example, by adjusting the colour temperature and tint can enhance the golden tones. For true editorial photography content, you cannot do too much in wholesale retouching, so that the image retains that authentic look, but you can boost contrast, brighten and adjust the levels. Software like Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop offer precise controls to fine-tune these adjustments.


The golden hour offers a unique opportunity for photographers to capture stunning images with natural, flattering light. By understanding its characteristics and employing the right techniques, photographers can elevate their work and create photos with a magical, ethereal quality. Whether shooting portraits, landscapes, or any other subject, the golden hour provides a special window of time that transforms ordinary scenes into extraordinary visuals.

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