Public Relations vs Politics: Top Tips for 'newsjacking' during a General Election cycle..

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has announced that the next UK General Election will be on Thursday, July 4th, right in the heart of the British summer. With the date set, political analysts are gearing up to release polling data, and businesses are assessing the potential financial impacts. 

Communication experts are advising clients on whether to engage in political discussions or stay quiet until things stabilise. A general election can significantly affect consumer public relations, influencing strategies and messaging across various industries. 

Shift in Media Focus: Election periods see political news dominating the media, making it harder for consumer PR campaigns to get noticed. PR professionals might need to adjust their strategies to cut through the political chatter. 

Consumer Sentiment and Behaviour: Elections can sway consumer feelings and behaviours. Economic policies, campaign promises, and uncertainties around the election can impact consumer confidence and spending. PR strategies might need to adapt accordingly. 

Opportunities for Engagement: Elections offer chances for brands to connect with consumers on important issues. Brands supporting popular social or political causes might resonate more with their audience, but this needs careful handling to avoid alienating other segments. 

Regulatory Changes: Election results could bring regulatory changes affecting various industries, impacting consumer PR strategies. PR professionals need to stay informed about potential policy shifts that could influence their messaging. 

Crisis Management: Elections can be polarising, increasing social tensions. Brands should be prepared to manage crises arising from their political involvement or stance. Effective crisis management plans are crucial to handle potential backlash. 

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): During elections, there’s heightened focus on corporate social responsibility. Consumers may scrutinise companies more closely regarding their ethical practices, political donations, and stances on social issues. PR efforts might need to highlight CSR initiatives more prominently. 

Influencer and Advocate Alignment: Brands might use influencers or advocates who align with their values or the political climate. This can boost brand loyalty among certain groups but risks alienating others. 

Adaptation to Political Messaging: Sometimes, consumer PR needs to adapt to the political messaging of the moment. For example, if the political climate emphasises environmental issues, PR campaigns might focus on sustainability and eco-friendly practices. 

Increased Scrutiny: Companies might face more scrutiny regarding their political affiliations, donations, and the political activities of their executives. Transparency is crucial to maintaining consumer trust. 

Overall, election periods are complex times for consumer public relations, requiring agility, political awareness, and a nuanced approach to engaging with consumers. PR professionals must strategically navigate the challenges and opportunities these periods present. 

Newsjacking is a marketing strategy where brands quickly capitalise on current news events to gain attention. Coined by David Meerman Scott, it involves inserting a brand’s message into breaking news. 

Key Elements of Newsjacking

  • Timeliness: Act quickly to stay relevant. 
  • Relevance: Ensure the news story aligns with your brand. 
  • Creativity: Use a unique angle to stand out. 
  • Social Media: Spread messages quickly through social platforms. 
  • Authenticity: Maintain genuine and meaningful responses. 


  • Increased Visibility: Gain exposure by riding the wave of trending topics. 
  • Enhanced Engagement: Attract more interaction with timely content. 
  • Media Coverage: Capture journalists’ interest for additional coverage. 
  • SEO Boost: Improve search engine rankings through association with trending topics. 


  • Backlash: Misjudged tone can lead to negative publicity. 
  • Irrelevance: Forced connections may harm reputation. 
  • Timing: Delayed responses may render efforts ineffective. 

Successful Examples

  • Three actors playing Jeremy Corbyn, Theresa May, and Tim Farron in a new election-themed attraction called ‘Poll-tergeist’ at Thorpe Park Resort in Surrey. ‘ 

A replica carriage resembling King Charles III’s coronation carriage was driven through Dulwich Park, ahead of being available for bookings as the ‘Uber Coronation Carriage.’ 

Implementation Tips

  • Monitor News: Stay updated on trending topics. Use tools like PA Media MEDIAPOINT. 
  • Be Prepared: Have a flexible content strategy. 
  • Align with Brand: Ensure news relevance to your brand. 
  • Act Quickly: Release content promptly. 
  • Engage: Interact with your audience on social media. 

E.ffective newsjacking helps brands create relevant, timely content that resonates with audiences and boosts public relations efforts.

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