Adam Care
Adam is News Editor for RADAR
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RADAR Round-Up: A look at the stories delivered by the RADAR-AI editorial team in the month of March

By Adam Care 28/03/2024

We take another look at the amazing work PA’s AI-powered news service RADAR has delivered over the past month.

Four years after the UK first went into lockdown, the team used its data journalism skills to report on the growing demand for mental health care that has surged since 2020; how Covid vaccine scepticism has affected childhood uptake rates; the pandemic’s long-term impact on education – and much more.

Here are some of the recent highlights from the RADAR team:

March saw a key anniversary the RADAR team was keen to acknowledge – four years since the UK first went into national lockdown.

With so much of the data we work with affected in one way or another by the Covid pandemic, it posed an ideal opportunity for a longer-term look back, comparing the state of the nation today, with how things looked back in early 2020.

That was the genesis of our ‘Four Years On’ series – four stories published each Friday in March, which aimed to explore the ways the country has changed since that momentous day when the unprecedented lockdown was announced.

To start things off, we published a story on Covid itself, exploring the total death rate, highlighting the week that marked the peak of infections, and revealing the total number of patients still suffering from long Covid.

Then we turned our attention to mental health, looking at how demand for mental health care has surged since 2020, hitting a record high last year.

File photo dated 18/01/23 of a general view of staff on a NHS hospital ward. Issue date: Tuesday March 5, 2024. Picture by PA Media.

Next, we turned to NHS vaccination data, to show how scepticism over the Covid vaccine may have affected immunisation figures for other diseases, such as measles, whooping cough, meningitis and polio.

Over the last four years childhood vaccination rates have fallen noticeably, and many dangerous diseases are showing signs of a resurgence.

Finally, we looked to schools, where the pandemic is still having an impact on children’s education. Using data only released this month, we analysed attendance figures, which show a significant decline over the last four years. Sector experts told us how dire the situation was, warning of severe long-term effects for children across the country.

The UK’s asylum backlog has been a major talking point for politicians and pundits in recent years, but the newest data shows it has actually fallen by 20% in the last year.

We showed how many asylum seekers received support from each local authority, while waiting for their claim to be processed by the Home Office.

The British Red Cross said while the figures indicate some progress, there are still “thousands of people stuck in indefinite limbo because the Illegal Migration Act prevents them from getting a decision on their claim”.

Last year the annual NHS staff survey included a new question on sexual harassment, which gave us an insight into a brand new data point.

Using the anonymised figures, we were able to show how many, and what percentage of staff at each NHS trust had experienced abuse or harassment from members of the public, and from colleagues.

The figures showed ambulance staff experienced the highest rate of sexual harassment, and that ethnic minorities were 16% more likely to suffer bullying from a member of the public.

Parking fees at NHS hospitals have long been a contentious issue for staff and visitors alike.

Using the latest publicly-available data, we were able to show how more than £190 million had been received by trusts in England last year.

The data also showed a 3% decline in the total number of parking spaces available at NHS sites.

The Liberal Democrats have called for an end to parking charges, branding them a “tax on caring”, while the GMB union told us paying to park at work can “mean the difference between getting by and going under for hard-pressed staff.”

General view of an Accident and Emergency Sign at Hinchingbrooke Hospital in Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire. Picture by PA Media.

In addition to stories based on new data, there are certain regular datasets we return to on a weekly, or monthly basis.

One such story is NHS waiting times, which we return to each month to track the scale of NHS delays.

This month saw the publication of the January 2024 figures, which marks a year since the Prime Minister made his much-publicised pledge to bring wait times down within a year.

Using this, we were able to compare the January to January waiting lists, to show not only had he failed to meet the pledge in most trusts, but to highlight how far off the targets many areas were.

Historic England’s ‘Heritage at Risk’ list was another new source of data for us this month.

Every year they update their list of historic buildings and places facing an uncertain future, and we were able to use this list to compile localised stories, highlighting all the sites on patch for each of our subscribers – from historic castles and ruins, to modern day industrial facilities and WWII-era military sites.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak speaks to staff during a visit to Milton Keynes University Hospital. Picture date: Tuesday August 15, 2023. Picture by PA Media.

Ofsted inspections are regularly in the news, but our latest analysis used them to shed new light on inequalities across the country.

By comparing school ratings with the national deprivation index, we were able to show how the worst-performing schools are disproportionately located in the poorest areas of the country.

Across England, nearly a third of 405 qualifying inadequate schools are based in areas where pupils live in the 20% most deprived areas across the country, compared to just 19% of outstanding schools.

Of the 4,000 schools in the wealthiest areas, just 1% are rated inadequate. This almost triples to 2.9% for the poorest areas.

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