The Project

Get Fair About Farming



The Brief

We were tasked with creating a video for Riverford’s ‘Get Fair About Farming’ campaign. The goal was to raise awareness by placing 49 scarecrows outside Parliament, representing the alarming statistic of farmers on the brink of closure. By positioning faceless scarecrows among British-grown produce, Riverford effectively conveyed the anonymity and fear experienced by many farmers who are hesitant to speak out against supermarket practices.


The Solution

The team recorded footage that morning of scarecrows placed in front of Westminster as a part of their campaign. They interviewed several people, including farmers and MPs, to help narrate the story. After filming, the team went ahead with the careful editing of the video packages, ensuring that the final product was of the highest quality. Once the editing process was complete, the team offered the videos to the wire that afternoon to reach a wider audience.

The Results

The content was accepted by the PA video wire within minutes and was quickly picked up by local and regional media outlets, being reposted in numerous articles. Riverford’s campaign garnered extensive media coverage, amplifying awareness of the challenges British farmers face and elevating the discourse on fair treatment within the food supply chain. The visual impact of the scarecrow protest served as a poignant symbol of solidarity with farmers and garnered empathy from the public and policymakers alike.


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