Paul Wallace
Paul is Head of Client Services for PA TV Metadata

Staff Spotlight: Paul Wallace, Head of Client Services

By Paul Wallace 06/03/2024

PA TV Metadata are one of the leading providers for metadata services, TV broadcast data aggregation, channel management for linear channels and VOD platforms. Its success for more than 30 years is down to its incredible team of dedicated, passionate and knowledgeable staff across our offices in Howden, Letchworth and London who we’re all extremely proud of.

After putting the spotlight on Senior Sales Executive Wafee Rashid last week, next to jump in the staff profile hot seat is Head of Client Services, Paul Wallace.

Paul has been with the company for over 20 years and in this time he’s seen the industry undergo many changes. In this staff spotlight, we ask Paul what some of the biggest changes he’s witnessed in the industry, including the recent boom in FAST channels, the current challenges faced by broadcasters and what role AI has to play in the world of metadata.

Outside of work, we also ask Paul what’s on his watch list for TV series.

What is your job title and what does your role entail?

I am Head of Client Services, which means I split my time between the commercial account management of many of our biggest clients and heading up the day-to-day management of our services; where I have a team of four very experienced and capable staff handling onboarding of new services, troubleshooting and the ongoing improvement of our products, systems and processes.

In your 20 plus years working in the industry, what’s the one biggest change you’ve seen?

It’s hard to pick just one, so I guess I won’t. The constant evolution of the way content is consumed is obviously the biggest change – the move from linear scheduled satellite channels which were booming in my first half dozen years in the industry to digital, VOD, Streaming and now FAST has been a long trend of change – but it has been a big change. I was talking to a colleague just the other day about the experience of watching Lost back in the mid-noughties and having to wait week on week for each episode, and the better part of a year between seasons. Trying to remember all those plot lines and character back story over the course of 6 years of linear broadcasting was a big commitment for a viewer. Meanwhile, they’ve just binged the whole thing in their own time in the space of a few months. I hate to sound like the ‘old man yells at cloud’ guy, but younger viewers these days have no idea how good they’ve got it in terms of availability and choice! However, it does feel like something is ‘lost’ (excuse the pun) in the experience of watching a show like Lost, by not having that anticipation between episodes and seasons where you discuss and theorise with friends and family about what could happen next – that used to be all part of the fun.

One of the biggest changes Paul has witnessed is the rise of VOD and how users can binge watch content on platforms such as Netflix. Picture credit: Nathaniel Noir / Alamy Stock Photo

FAST channels are booming now in the US – how do you feel the UK is adopting to FAST, are we in the slow lane when it comes to it?

I think we’re still waiting for the public to catch up with industry hype for FAST in the UK.  Most people I speak to outside of the industry (yes, of course I canvas public opinion of the TV industry from my friends and family at any opportunity) don’t really know what FAST is and I think, compared to the US, FAST is a far less ground-breaking development to capture the public’s attention in the UK. After all, at its core it’s free to watch, linear scheduled TV with adverts – something we’ve had in the UK since ITV launched in the ’50s. Obviously the US has always followed a very different TV model so FAST has captured much more attention there.

The challenge is how viewers learn about and discover the FAST services because there’s no doubt there will be an audience for many of them; but educating people to use the full features of their Smart TV to find the necessary apps and guides rather than just firing up their Sky or Freeview set top box they’ve used for years for instance is a tough habit to break. The upcoming Freely service that promises to interweave the FAST services with the traditional linear EPG should go a long way to improving that discoverability for those that adopt that new platform.

Thinking of challenges that broadcasters and platforms are facing at the moment and the changing habits of consumers – what does the TV content landscape look like to you?

Among the bigger challenges is overcoming ‘content fatigue’. The choice of channels, streaming services and programming is incredible right now, but finding that new show that you’ll love is getting harder as a result. This is an area where I believe FAST is making some inroads as viewers become tired of scrolling through hundreds of new shows on the leading streaming services without being convinced to make a commitment to watch them. Instead, the viewer might turn to a FAST channel showing older content that the viewer may have seen before, but not for a long time and want to revisit it in the comfort of knowing they will enjoy it.

This discoverability of content really must be at the forefront of broadcasters and streaming operators’ thinking; whether that’s user profiling, an intelligent recommendations algorithm, a slick UI or more editorial curation of content. There really is no point ploughing the resources into acquiring and producing content if viewers struggle to find it.

It will also be interesting to see how the growth of FAST in the UK continues. There has been a rush to market, with everyone trying to grab that extra slice of advertising revenue to plug the gaps left by declining linear viewing, but that will quickly lead to an oversaturation of channels and viewers can’t watch all of them. It’s very much like the linear TV market of 20 years ago, where new channels seemed to be launching every week – it was a very exciting time, but in the years since, those launches slowed considerably and then many services fell away as broadcasters consolidated their brands and only the higher quality channels remain. I think FAST could go the same way; we’ll see the explosion of launches plateau and broadcasters will see ‘what sticks’ before the selection of FAST services becomes a more refined space of higher quality content. This cycle of change could happen quickly – especially compared to the changes in the linear market I alluded to – because of the relative ease of collecting metrics and making more informed decisions about content in the connected TV landscape. 

Is AI seen as a help or hindrance in the world of metadata?

As it can be in many fields, AI certainly has the potential to improve and increase automation in the collection and creation of metadata. However, in a world where AI can do such tasks it also opens up questions about accuracy, quality and authenticity of data and ensuring AI is applied in the right areas. When you’re trying to create metadata to appeal to and inform humans to make viewing decisions, it still needs to have a human touch in my opinion.

What are your hopes and goals for 2024?

I’m looking forward to developing our services alongside industry trends so that we can continue to help our customers to solve the problems the current changes in the industry are posing. Metadata hasn’t necessarily been seen as an exciting part of the broadcast world over the years, but with the recent proliferation of content across so many services and platforms it’s more important than ever to have quality metadata and an effective strategy of how to use it underpinning that content.

Film still of Reacher, a TV series mentioned in the blog.
Reacher is a TV series Paul has recently watched. Picture credit: Everett Collection Inc / Alamy Stock Photo

What TV series are you currently watching?

As a father of three young kids, most screens in my house are occupied with either Fortnite, Bluey or videos of someone running various squishy objects over with a large truck on YouTube…kids today, huh? However, in the brief moments of respite when I wrestle the TV controller from them, I’ve recently watched Reacher, I’m about to start season 2 of The Bear and I’m working my way through re-watching all series of Taskmaster which is so easy to dip in and out of and such a fun show.

Keep posted for our next Staff Spotlight!

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