September Round-Up of ESG Monthly Newsletter

By PA Mediapoint 28/09/2023

Welcome to the monthly round-up of our ESG Monthly Newsletter: ESG Perspectives by Mediapoint!

In September, we explored a range of issues, from fostering diversity in the workplace to addressing gender inequality and promoting meaningful conversations around these matters.

5 organisations that could help you hire a more diverse workforce

Companies will often claim to be committed to increasing racial and ethnic diversity in their workforce – but in practice, fall back on the excuse that they don’t receive enough applications from underrepresented groups.

Sticking to the same hiring process won’t yield different results and employers must go further to level the playing field.

From where you advertise to who you invite for internships, here are some organisations doing great work to support and amplify the talents of marginalised groups – and others helping hiring teams discover them.

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PR Mums: The industry initiative helping women get back into work

The PR industry has a long way to go when it comes to gender equality.

According to the Global Women in PR Annual Index 2022, the global PR industry is two-thirds female, whereas the boardroom is still majority male.

The report also found 50% of women with children believed they were discriminated against in terms of career progression.

It’s statistics like this – and lived experience – that spurred a group of women to set up PR Mums, a company aiming to help women back into public relations jobs after starting a family.

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John Lewis chair: Conversations not buzzwords the best way to help women at work

Conversations not language like “inclusion” and “diversity” can be more helpful when it comes to engaging male colleagues on challenges facing women in the workplace, the chair of John Lewis Partnership has said.

Dame Sharon White told women at a work summit in London that men are “waiting to be asked” to support women they work with.

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As we conclude this month’s newsletter, we encourage you to dive into these articles for a deeper understanding of the pivotal ESG topics we covered. We look forward to bringing you more insights in the coming months.

Stay tuned for more informative articles in our upcoming newsletters, ESG Perspectives by Mediapoint, as we continue to provide valuable insights on these ESG-related matters. Don’t forget to subscribe to our monthly newsletter, On The Point, to stay updated on our services and initiatives.

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