June Round-Up of ESG Monthly Newsletter

By PA Mediapoint 29/06/2023

Welcome to the monthly round-up of our ESG Monthly Newsletter: ESG Perspectives by Mediapoint!

In this June issue we explore important topics including Loneliness Awareness Week and how we maintain connections in a hybrid working world, the future of AGMs, what mothers returning from maternity leave want from employers and with June being the month of Pride we take a look at how companies can create a positive workplace culture.

These articles provide businesses with a deeper understanding of the changing environment by offering insights from industry leaders and experts and we hope you enjoy the read.

Pride Month: LGBT & employees on creating a positive workplace culture

June marked Pride Month across the UK – which many organisations took steps to recognise it. We asked a range of LGBTQ+ employees to tell us about the meaningful ways companies have made their workplace feel safe and inclusive…

Read the full article

Loneliness Awareness Week: How do we maintain connections in a hybrid working world?

The shift towards hybrid and remote working has brought many positives – freeing up time, money, and replacing rigid requirements with helpful flexibility for many employees. But is it making us lonelier? June saw Loneliness Awareness Week and we spoke with Alicia Nagar, head of people, wellbeing and equity at Mental Health First Aid England and Anthony Painter, policy director at Chartered Management Institute, to find out how employers can do more to address loneliness among flexi-working staff.

Read the full article here.

Is the future of AGMs virtual?

Shell’s annual AGM in London this year saw an unprecedented level of chaos from climate protesters. For more than 90 minutes, chairman Sir Andrew Mackenzie was interrupted by singing and shouting as he tried to start the meeting.

PA’s Sustainability reporter Rebecca Speare-Cole takes a deep dive into AGMs and asks: Is the future of AGMs virtual?

Read the full article.

5 things mothers returning from maternity leave actually want from their employers
Returners after maternity leave often have mixed experiences. While some have a smooth ride back into their job role, others feel they haven’t been given the correct support – or opportunities.

New research by Generation Logistics found that 94% of new mums feel nervous about returning to work after a baby, as part of research surveying new mothers in full-time employment across a wide range of industries. Shockingly, nearly all of the women surveyed said they had to complete work tasks out of hours (97%) after returning.

Read full article

In conclusion, this month’s ESG Perspectives by Mediapoint offers valuable insights on important topics such as Loneliness Awareness Week, AGMs in a virtual setting, the needs of mothers returning from maternity leave, and creating a positive workplace culture during Pride Month. These articles provide businesses with deeper understanding of evolving ESG issues and perspectives from industry leaders.

Stay tuned for more informative articles in our upcoming newsletters, ESG Perspectives by Mediapoint, as we continue to provide valuable insights on these ESG-related matters. Don’t forget to subscribe to our monthly newsletter, On The Point, to stay updated on our services and initiatives.

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