Members of the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) on the picket line outside St Thomas’ Hospital, central London, as nurses in England, Wales and Northern Ireland take industrial action over pay (James Manning/PA)

Nurses have asked for a pay rise of RPI inflation plus 5%

By Laura Parnaby, PA
12:14 - January 03, 2023

Several Cabinet members, including Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, have said nurses are striking because they want a 19% pay rise.

Evaluation: Needs context

The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) is pushing for wage growth of 5% above the RPI rate of inflation.

The pay request from nurses is variable because it depends on the rate of inflation, so it is misleading to present it as a specific figure based on a time when inflation was high.

The facts

The Government’s 19% figure was based on inflation in November 2022, when RPI inflation was set at 14%.

RCN members began their campaign in August 2020, when RPI inflation was around 0.5%, so their demand equated to a 5.5% increase at the time.

A spokesperson for the organisation has argued the Government should have addressed earlier calls for a rise when inflation was much lower, telling the PA news agency that “the increase is because of their delay”.

RPI inflation is expected to decrease dramatically to around 6% by the end of 2023, as forecast by the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR), so future figures derived from the RCN’s pay request would also reflect this.

The OBR is a public body established by the Government to provide independent and authoritative analysis of the UK’s public finances. Its full data set for the RPI forecast can be seen here.

Graphic showing the OBR's RPI inflation forecast
(PA Graphic)

Asked about the difference between the Government’s 19% figure and the RCN’s position, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) highlighted their fact sheet on the industrial action.

During the dispute, the Government pointed out that it gave all NHS staff on the “Agenda for Change” contracts – which includes nurses along with midwives, ambulance workers, porters and cleaners – a £1,400 uplift this year.

This rise was recommended by the NHS Pay Review Body, and it equates to an average 4.3% uplift for qualified nurses, according to estimates from both the DHSC and the Nuffield Trust, an independent think tank.

However, the RCN told PA this comes after “a decade of pay cuts” which have not been accounted for.

The Nuffield Trust‘s research supports this – stating a typical nurse’s salary this year was 5.9% lower in real terms than in 2010/2011 before the pay rise – a figure it predicts to change to 10% by the end of 2022 due to inflation.

Full-time, fully qualified NHS nurses earned between £39,900 and £40,500 on average in 2022, according to the think tank.

What comes next?

Pat Cullen, the RCN’s general secretary, told PA that the body is prepared to negotiate a compromise with the DHSC.

She said: “We want negotiations where both sides give ground. We would negotiate with the Government – we won’t dig in if they don’t dig in.”

Health Secretary Steve Barclay has said his “door is open” for unions to discuss how NHS working conditions can be improved, but indicated he is not prepared to negotiate pay following this year’s wage increase.

He said in a statement: “Further pay increases would mean taking money away from frontline services at a time when we are tackling record waiting lists as a result of the pandemic”.

Following two days of industrial action in December, nurses are poised to strike again on January 15 and 20.


Rishi Sunak quoting the 19% figure (archived)

RCN pay request (archived)

November 2022 RPI inflation (archived)

Fair Pay for Nursing campaign timeline (archived)

DHSC stance (archived)

DHSC confirmation of £1,400 uplift this year (archived)

NHS Pay Review report (archived)

What is the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR)? (archived)

OBR forecast for RPI inflation in Q4 2023 (chart) (archived)

Full data set for OBR forecast for RPI inflation in Q4 2023 (see line 467) (archived)

OBR inflation forecast homepage (archived)

Nuffield Trust figures (archived)

Steve Barclay on negotiating with unions (archived)

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