Todd Washburn
Todd is Broadcast Operations Manager for Globelynx

Behind the nightshift - ensuring Globelynx is a 24-hour news service, with Todd Washburn, Broadcast Operations Manager

By Todd Washburn 24/01/2023

As we know news never sleeps and rarely takes a day off. With audiences worldwide waiting to be informed on the latest news and developments and becoming receptive to news at different times – to be fully ahead of the media agenda, organisations need to have an always-on presence to ensure they do not fall behind with the rapid pace that news changes at.

Playing an important role in Globelynx’s always-on presence is Todd Washburn, Globelynx’s Broadcast Operations Manager who works the night-shift so that his colleagues are fully prepared and set-up for the following day ahead.

Todd talks more about his role at Globelynx, his career journey which has taken him across the Atlantic, and what he does to relax in his spare time.

What is your job role at Globelynx and what does a typical working day entail for you?

I am a broadcast operations manager for the night shift.  I am a one-stop for all things Globelynx while the business sleeps. I do everything from coordinating and running broadcast interviews for live television, troubleshooting stage I technical issues on our cameras located locally to the experts and the software, to the remote LiveU packs, I handle the expert requests from broadcasters by scouring our database to find the best suited individual to perform live or pre-recorded interviews for television, handle client relations issues whether it be service concerns, hardware issues or escalating contract starting points for clients, researching current mainstream and digital media trends to further explore how Globelynx can grow into the next generation of news delivery and finally, I scour the news overnight for breaking stories and trends to kickstart the mornings for the day crew to hit the ground running quickly upon the start of their shift.  

Profile picture of Todd.
Todd Washburn – Broadcast Operations Manager

How would you describe Globelynx in one sentence?

Globelynx brings to broadcasters a flexible and valuable service in expert delivery while providing clients unprecedented world-wide media exposure.

Tell us about your career journey, both at Globelynx and what led you to working for Globelynx today?

Funny. I initially began my career working in radio in the U.S. I became a producer for a sports radio station (95.7 FM The Game KGMZ) in San Francisco delivering show formats and guests for 8 million potential listeners for night and afternoon drive shows. After moving to the United Kingdom, I began working as a Master Control Room Operator at The Switch, a 3rd party delivery platform we are currently a client of. I worked the night shift and began learning and giving attention to detail on how each of our customers worked to deliver the best service I could. I noticed that Globelynx had no night coverage at the time and would assist (outside of my assigned duties) Globelynx bookings by switching out their feeds and calling their clients and broadcasters to handle issues to make sure those went through for them when I had the time. This was noticed by the previous Ops Manager, Amal Taher, and she would send over ‘Thank You’ notes to The Switch for our assistance. One night, I got a call thanking me for my efforts and was alerted to Globelynx needing someone to fill that night spot to demonstrate the value of keeping Globelynx rolling as a true 24-hour service dedicated to their clients and I took the opportunity to expand my skillset, join the team and never looked back. It’s been a pleasure and a privilege to serve the company for the last five years and be a part of the growth of the company from a camera box live interview company to a multimedia machine that is flexible in its service and delivery while learning how to be flexible in the marketplace.

Women watching TV to denote worldwide consumption of news media.
With news consumed worldwide and constantly moving, as an important cog in the broadcast news media ecosystem – it’s vital Globelynx has a night-time presence with Todd’s role.

What’s been your proudest moment working at Globelynx so far?

Too many to mention and hopefully many more to come. My satisfaction comes from the positive reviews of our service from clients. I have been a part of not only saving clients from cancelling contracts to clients re-signing their deals citing my dedication to them as their biggest motivation, to the odd mention to my superiors of my performance and attention given to them to ensure their feeds are delivered or faults and issues are solved or escalated in a timely manner to continue that uninterrupted service. I am so grateful for the opportunity that GL has given me to show my skillsets and share those with our clients and broadcasters. It truly has been a pleasure and I hope to continue for as long as they’ll have me to help the company grow and succeed in the media landscape.

What’s been the biggest change in the news broadcast industry that you’ve noticed?

The evolution in media consumption. As we move into the digital age, newer consumers have more choices than ever to engage in media tailored to niches. Television news delivery has lost its years of domination to internet based streaming services and alternative choices, as trust and attention has eroded from the younger viewing demos, giving companies like Globelynx more options to offer tailored services to not only more potential clients, but also more platforms that have never had exposure to the public. 

A picture of someone using a mobile phone device to explain and complement the content of the article.
Todd says that one of the biggest changes in the news broadcast industry is the evolution in media consumption, where digital devices have opened up the choices for consumers.

How do you see the industry changing within the next five years?

The industry needs to evolve into taking on clients and news content creators in the digital sphere along with continuing the service to traditional media. As once television was to radio, the internet is now to television and will only continue to evolve as the age of internet technology takes hold of the spending demographics. Spending as not just in monetary means, but consumption. Younger demographics spend almost no time in consuming traditional media like newspapers, television and radio but almost unanimously dedicate their time to not only the streaming version of news platforms, but more individual content creators (Think Tim Pool, The Young Turks, etc). As these new technologies are carving out more of the news media market, consumers are joining these platforms to consume their content rather than tuning in to see the BBC, Sky, Fox and NBC. They want to consume what fits their particular niche in long and short form discussion formats and if our service model is to survive, need to be connecting into these matrices as corporate media outlets begin shedding costs. Additionally, Globelynx has begun adding the ability to broadcast remote without the use of a fixed camera with the LiveU mobile application. This gives an expert user the ability to deliver a news interview from the convenience of their home or on location for breaking stories at a lower cost provided strong Wi-Fi connectivity. We also deliver feeds with the LiveU packs for journalists without the need of a camera crew that can also be used on location further expanding our reach and flexibility.  It is paramount that we stay ahead of the trends of the digital age while maintaining those legacy relationships to truly be the most valuable asset in broadcast delivery.

Tell us a bit about yourself outside of work? What hobbies do you enjoy?

You’ve already heard about my civilian career. I began my career as a U.S. Army Engineer for 12 years where after three combat tours, was injured in a training accident that led to my medical retirement. I took the opportunity to pursue a college degree utilising the Montgomery G.I. Bill where I would double major in Communication and Media Production from California State University- East Bay. My main hobbies are American sports (indicative of my prior time in sports radio) and weight training. I was also the nerdy kid in school that was highly into the sciences and enjoyed insect collection and the study of nature and continue those interests today studying and observing invertebrates and microbes. My nature fascination revolves around my fascination for birds and the closest living relatives to my childhood favourite DINOSAURS!

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Globelynx is part of the PA Media Group.

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