Poppy Allan-Spoto
Poppy is Account Manager for PA Media
Learn more about PA Media's sports content and data services

PA Media returns to Sportel 2022, Monaco

By Poppy Allan-Spoto 02/11/2022

Last week, PA Media’s commercial team were present at leading sports content media rights and technology convention, SPORTEL 2022.

Taking place at its usual home of Monaco on the French Riviera at the Grimaldi Forum, the event was at full capacity after only returning last year post-pandemic but with certain entry restrictions.

With restrictions completely relaxed, it was back to business as normal for the sports media world.

Account Manager for PA Media, Poppy Allan-Spoto shares her experience of attending the event for the first time.

SPORTEL Monaco what a great show! It was great to be back out talking to clients old and new, seeing some familiar faces whilst grabbing coffee but also meeting people who wouldn’t typically attend the UK-based conferences we have exhibited at this year. It was a great chance to showcase the great work we are gearing up for in advance of the World Cup in Qatar next month and chat through what we can offer international audiences. Our marketing team had done a fantastic job in making some World Cup fixture and goal prediction handouts that also went down a storm.

The PA Media commercial team at Sportel.
The PA Media commercial team at their stand at SPORTEL 2022, Monaco. From left to right – Will Staley, Alex Hershman, Ronald Adjekwei, Poppy Allan-Spoto.

Lots of the delegates I met and spoke with were familiar with our traditional wire services but it was a great opportunity to be able to discuss our new live video services and how we can support international broadcasters and content publishers with access to even more content. There was a common theme throughout the conference around attaining and retaining eyeballs across linear, apps, socials, and our live video is a great way to capture these younger, or more digital, audiences.

A snapshot of the three days at Sportel 2022, Monaco

I also managed to squeeze in the ‘How culture & diversity are shifting the direction of sports media’ masterclass with an excellent all-female panel with some snippets I have included below. It was really interesting to hear the challenges but also the practical changes companies are making across the media landscape. I think we often see the challenge of women in sport/media as an on-screen problem but hearing the speakers talk about the difference it makes off camera from putting more diverse directors behind the camera, in editorial roles to more women on federation boards whose ideas get listened to was inspiring.

“It’s not enough to invite us to the ball – you also need to let us dance” – from the really inspiring diversity panel today at #SPORTEL, the words from Laura Georges of the FFF – Fédération Française de Football said “It’s about finding the right people and giving them the opportunity and resources to drive change that they think will be profitable”

If you didn’t manage to speak to Poppy or any of the team at SPORTEL – drop them a line at info@pa.media.

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