Press Release Distribution support

How do I upload a press release onto the PA Media news wire?

Your press release is uploaded onto the national news wire via a webform. The webform will be personalised to you and your organisation and will look like the below example. Your webform URL will be unique to you and also be password protected. You will be given these details after your onboarding session.

Confirming that you are the sender of the press release

The first field to complete on the upload webform is a radio button which appears alongside your company or organisation name. This needs to be filled in to let our system know who is sending the release so we can tag it in the correct way with your company information and add it to your channel on our Partner Content Page in the Explore platform when the release is distributed.

This is a mandatory field and must be completed. The radiobutton is in question one (see screenshot below) and must be populated.

What is an embargo and how do I add one to my press release?

The next fields on the webform are for embargo.

A news embargo or press embargo is NOT a time save, but a way in which your press release can be distributed on the news wire and seen by media organisations but the content can only be used once the defined date or time has passed.

To add an embargo to your press release, choose ‘Yes’ for question two then select a date for the embargo to be lifted in the next field.

You then need to enter the time for the embargo to be lifted in field number four on the form. The format is HHMM, so for example, 1000 for a 10am embargo time.

PLEASE NOTE: Do not add anything in between the hours and minutes of the embargo time, like a colon or full stop, as this will prevent the release from publishing on the news wire.

The below example shows the correct formatting for an embargo date of 23/09/2022 with an uplift time of 09:00am. 

The embargo time is in GMT, so during British Summer Time (Daylight Savings) please subtract an hour.

What if I do not need an embargo?

If you do not require your release to be issued under an embargo, select the “No” option on your webform as shown below. 

Selecting a Topic

Selecting keywords for your press release

Topic: ARTS

Keyword 1: Music 

Keyword 2: (Company Name) 

Adding a headline

The headline of your press release must be a maximum of 99 characters including spaces. Special characters can be added to your headline. We advise that you use sentence case (see below) for your headline to keep it the same as all other releases and stories running on the newswire.

Please do not add any HTML mark-up to this field.

Adding your press release text

The next three fields in your webform are for the main body of your press release.

Please note, you do not need to add any HTML mark-up, the URLs will become hyperlinked when the release is uploaded.

Textfield 1- Mandatory Field

This text field can have a maximum of 4,000 characters including spaces. Please do not add any HTML mark-up to this field.

Textfield 2 – Optional Field 

Textfield 3 – Notes to Editors – Optional Field

Adding images to your press release

Adding your logo and images using Google Drive

Approving/Rejecting Submissions

.txt File Format

Please note: If you send your press release under embargo, the press release will not automatically republish on the newswire when the embargo lifts. If you wish, you can reupload your release again when the embargo date and time has passed and let us know on and we will count this as the same credit.

I’ve noticed a mistake with my press release, what should I do?

To correct or update a press release that has already been submitted you will need to submit another form with the same topic and keywords as the initial submission with the corrections/updates.

You can contact our Customer Services team on and ask them to remove the press release for you. You can then upload a corrected version using your webform.

If you update a press release by removing an image, this image will be unlinked to the press release however the image could be visible in other parts of the system.

For further guidance or assistance with using your webform or for any queries please contact:

What will my press release look like on the PA news wire?

Topics explainer for Press Release Distribution webform customers

Press Release Distribution Webform customer analytics

Distribution box: The figure here shows the combined number of wire sends and email sends for your press releases for the selected week. This adds together every time a press release was emailed to a journalist, plus the 137 news organisations who receive the press releases directly into their own content management systems.

Views box: This is the number of journalists who have viewed the press release in Explore and also who were sent the release on email and looked at it there. This is a minimum number of views, as some data cannot be captured due to the presence of ad blockers. Also we cannot interrogate data from views of releases made in customer content management systems. When a release is sent on the news wire, it is sent to customer systems which we don’t have access to, so journalists could also view the releases there, but we cannot get the figures for that.

Graph: This shows figures for press release distribution (purple) and press release views (yellow) on a month-by-month basis. Press release distribution counts as wire sends plus email sends. Views count as views in Explore and via email, and does not include any views in customer content management systems.

Top viewers: This shows the news organisations which have interacted with your releases the most. This includes PA Editorial staff (which is split out from other customer data). The ‘Others’ category groups together the smaller numbers to make the pie chart data readable.

Most viewed: This shows the press releases which had the most views that week.

Number of visits to Explore: This shows data on an hourly basis of the number of journalists logging on to our Explore system. This data shows when there are the most journalists using the system and may help to inform when you choose to send press releases.

Number of media organisations: This shows the number of media organisations which have logged in to use Explore on a daily basis. This is the number of organisations themselves and not the number of individual users.

Number of searches in a week: This is the number of searches in Explore by journalists using the search bar.

Number of saved searches: This shows the number of email alert searches set up by journalists. They will be sent an email when the criteria of a press release matches their saved search criteria.

Popular topics on Explore this week: This shows the top three topics which have had the most views by journalists in Explore that week across all content.