Craig Gunn
Craig is Head of Assignments at PA Media
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Location, location, location - how to find the perfect space for a photo or video shoot

By Craig Gunn 20/06/2022

At PA Media Assignments, we deal on a daily basis with queries regarding what makes a good video and photo shoot location. A great location can widen the options for your photography briefs. It can enhance the subject, raise the mundane to the spectacular and cover a multitude of sins.

On the other end of the scale, an ill-thought-out location can ruin any message you are trying to project in your photo shoot. It also decreases your photography options, could potentially be hazardous and may even get you into trouble with the law!

Many of our activities involve London as a location. We often recommend this, as being the nation’s capital, it can editorially keep your story in the national interest.

Other cities in the UK could be less defined and have less recognisable landmarks. Although somewhat overused, great locations in London include Potters Fields Park or the Southbank These places offer spectacular vistas of Tower Bridge and London in the background and are a perennial favourite amongst our clients.

9 Top Tips for Choosing Video and Photo Shoot Location

Night time photo shoot location

1. What’s the story?

Choose a location that lends itself to the story you want to produce, this is the first rule of location scouting. When evaluating locations there are many options, for example, you could think about natural areas, historic sites, distinctive buildings, urban landscapes and waterside settings.

You should never be bound by your locations as they are simply part of the raw materials. However, some PR stunts do purposefully have a juxtaposing location with their subject material – it’s just worth considering it very carefully.

2. Risk Assessments

RA’s have become an administrative norm in recent years. They’re used in addition to a public liability insurance document which a venue should supply you with, and your company must have in place to cover your staff. This should be a detailed breakdown of all the potential risks involved in your video or photographic activity by making sure you are entirely familiar with the location, taking all the precautions you can to keep your team away from harm when operating within the space. 

The key with these is to consider all of the risks and come up with a solution in the event of that happening. Common examples of things on photography Risk Assessments include trip hazards like cables, what happens if a fire breaks out or if equipment or a photographer falls from an elevated position like a crane or ladder.

3. Time of day

Morning, noon, night, dusk and sunset – be aware that during a 24-hour period locations can change. It’s wise to check your spot on the day of the week and the time of day that you’ll be photographing, so you can take such factors as public interference, light, traffic etc. into account.

4. Light

Factories, office blocks, churches, ballrooms, restaurants, auditoriums and homes generally feature low amounts of available lighting. Check light levels by shooting a few frames if you have a camera. In some cases, you may wish to bring in portable lights and consider the effects of natural light interference. Large spaces need plenty of light if they are to be elevated to their fullest potential. You will also need to pay attention to whether a given spot is in full sun, partial sun or full shade. Bright sun can be harsh on people’s faces, and light-coloured surfaces can blow out and become less defined in full sunlight. Partial sun can be tricky as it can casts shadow. In reality, slightly dull days are more consistent with the light they offer, and images can be brightened marginally in Photoshop later.

5. I Got the Power

Many outdoor locations are far away from power sources, so ask photographers to bring spare power packs if possible, and also confirm if they’re bringing additional lighting. If shooting interior locations, please make sure you are aware of power points and that you have included this in your Risk Assessment.

6. Create Space

Make sure that there’s adequate space for you to set up all of your gear. Small and cosy locations don’t allow for much headroom or natural light, so can come across as pokey, whereas large vacuous spaces can feel emotionally cold. When you scout your locations, verify that you can physically get to the spots you intend to shoot from.

7. Ask Permission

Be aware that you’ll need to secure permits and other legal permissions to shoot at certain locations. As you’re looking at a location, do a legal reality check. Every council will have a filming and videography department which can easily be found on government websites. It’s better to get permission in advance than to have a shoot interrupted by the authorities.

ALWAYS allow plenty of time to get your permissions in and most importantly if you’re hiring a venue, ensure they offer public liability and a Risk Assessment. Public relations experts often love guerrilla stunts, but these quite often have to be planned and executed in an organised fashion and if they are not, it can become a logistical nightmare.

Drone flying, which has been increasingly used in productions, requires an additional level of permission and insurance so ensure you leave plenty of time for the pilots to fill out the relevant paperwork and do the checks before flying.

8. Evaluate the Area

Check your Wi-Fi works, where the local shops for food and supplies are and what the local transport links are and whether there’s adequate parking. You should also know where to rally in the event of fire, a runner in your team should have notes on all of this

9. And finally….take notes

When doing a recce, it’s always important to take notes and some pictures. Even rudimentary camera phone pictures can embellish a photography brief and save time on a shoot day. You may have more questions, so write those down when they come to mind and ask either the photographers or various planning offices.

If in doubt, someone from the Photography or Video Team can give you some solid advice on photo shoot location ideas.

To find out how we can help you achieve all this and more in your video and photography shoots, contact us here.

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