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Four key takeaways from “What's next in media disruption?”

By PA Media 05/05/2021

The third event in the PA Meets series developed by PA Media and the PRCA to bring news and PR closer together took place on the 20th April – its focus was “What’s next in media disruption?”

Our sector leading panel included Will Moy, Chief Executive of the UK’s independent fact checking organisation, Full Fact; Sarah Brown, Head of News Partnerships for Northern Europe at social media platform Facebook; and PA Media’s Managing Director, Polly Curtis.

PA Media’s Bridgid Nzekwu hosted the fascinating and thought-provoking discussion about how to make a story cut through the noise and land successfully, as well as a look ahead to how emerging technologies could shape the future of media disruption.

Here are a four key takeaways from the event:

Audience fragmentation means new strategies are needed to land stories with impact

Will Moy opened the discussion by identifying audiences and their behaviours as key disruptive elements in today’s media landscape. With more demanding expectations from audiences and a plethora of platforms vying for people’s attention, it is “very difficult for one media organisation to have cut through into one large, main audience.”

PA Media’s Managing Director, Polly Curtis agreed that “how you land your journalism and how you reach your audience” is now so much more complicated.

While the transformational innovation we have seen in communications and technology has opened up a previously unimaginable number of new ways to reach audiences, the panel agreed that this had made it harder to reach a critical mass of people consistently and powerfully. Will Moy elaborated on this by outlining how, despite the “barriers of entry for publishing having almost disappeared, the barriers of entry to attention are higher than ever before” making it even more challenging to drive impact and resonance.

Polly Curtis drew on her extensive experience as journalist to discuss the shifting roles within the world of news content creation. Previously, reporters, editors and production journalists were responsible for putting together newspapers or broadcasts; whereas now we see a really “complex model of data journalists, data analysts, graphic designers, developers and video teams” which leads to a “more expensive form of journalism” requiring a different approach, and often more resources to engage audiences.

Despite the increasing scale and pace of change in technology and content creation, Polly Curtis highlighted the enduring appeal of traditional print and broadcast which consistently deliver the core values of great journalism.

Tech can be a powerful tool in the fight against fake news

The Covid-19 pandemic has, as we have all seen, driven a commensurate spread of misinformation and fake news – Bridgid Nzekwu posed the question: “Can tech turn the tide against it?”

As a leader in the fight against fake news, Will Moy explained how tech is a “part of the answer, but not the whole answer.” While technology has been harnessed to help organisations like Full Fact scale up their work to counter misinformation, part of the problem still lies with the behaviour of individuals and organisations with influence and power. Addressing the issue at this human, behavioural level will be critical in tackling fake news successfully.

A particular issue raised by the panel was how tech such as AI can help by detecting fact claims but the challenge remains to find each expression and appearance of any specific claim given how rapidly claims spread and iterate across various platforms. For this reason, Will Moy believes that AI will not replace human fact checking but it will help to scale up capacity and to carry out specific, discreet tasks that are appropriate for automation.

Sarah Brown agreed that tech can provide “a part of the solution.” At Facebook, AI’s ability to operate at scale contributed to the successful removal of a large proportion of hate speech content – a critical initiative for the organisation.

The panel agreed that, while tech is an important weapon to use against misinformation, people remain pivotal in the fight against fake news.

VR and AR hold exciting potential

The intersection of tech and storytelling in the form of VR and AR was called out by the panel as a particularly exciting area to watch. The panel agreed that the extraordinary potential of VR and AR to offer an unparalleled way to immerse audiences in an experience is incredibly powerful.

Sarah Brown referenced a Guardian initiative using VR glasses to bring to life the experiences of refugees as just one example of how the growth of this tech innovation is a “fascinating area for storytelling.”

AR and VR also open up a wealth of possibilities for media consumption – Sarah Brown highlighted the importance of nurturing a two-way relationship between platforms and their audiences: “You’re asking for a response and not just disseminating content… AR and VR can be a culmination of this.”

Disruption will continue to be a integral part of the world of media

Polly Curtis reflected on how, while the pace and nature of disruption may evolve over time, disruption itself will continue to be a part of the media landscape. The pandemic has undoubtedly brought about an acceleration of disruption – not least because there has been “more to doubt and more to distrust” – however, there remains a “thirst for good information” at the core of audiences’ needs and wants.

Disruption will continue to represent an opportunity to reach audiences in innovative ways as well as a challenge to all media organisations to diversify, to explore new content models and to remain relevant by responding to their audiences’ changing behaviours.

As the session drew to a close, Polly Curtis recognised and praised the staunch “resilience of journalism” and that, even in these unpredictable times, “journalism for democracy continues and thrives and that is the higher purpose.”

Our first event in the PA Meets series provided a fascinating discussion and speakers shared valuable tips and advice that PR professionals can put to immediate use in their careers.

We thank everyone who attended and special thanks to the PRCA for their support, as well as to our distinguished panel of experts for their time.

You can view the on-demand recording at your own convenience here and follow all the latest news and updates on PA Meets here.

Be sure to register your attendance for our next event, In conversation with Amelia Gentleman, taking place Tuesday 18th May at 12pm.

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