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Four key takeaways from “How to build your network of journalists”

By PA Media 31/03/2021

It’s now just over a week since we hosted our first event in the new PA Meets series, “How to build your network of journalists” and we couldn’t be happier with the reaction we’ve received from attendees.

In association with leading PR body, the PRCA, PA Meets is a series of events which gives PR and comms professionals at all career levels the chance to hear from, and engage with, a range of leading figures in news and PR.

Our first event featured excellent speakers from Sky News, TfL and PA Media, and delved deep into the challenges facing PRs when establishing strong connections with the media.  It also covered valuable tips and advice on selling in stories, producing effective press releases and getting stories out amidst the challenging backdrop of what has been one of the biggest newsworthy stories of the last year – the pandemic.

Here are a few key takeaways from the event:

Timing is everything

PA Meets Chair, Bridgid Nzekwu kicked off the discussion by raising the issue around tricky relations that can exist between news and PR. In a world where both have to work together to get what they want from each other, why are there tensions?

Editor and Executive Producer at Sky News, Ben Monro-Davies argued it’s all about timing and explained that it’s quite rare that both PRs and journalists’ interests coincide, with news organisations usually wanting to hear from PRs when things are going badly, whilst PRs always want to speak to journalists when things are going well for clients.

Breaking news is something PRs need to be aware of, and have to contend with, in respect of timing. Ben recommends giving as much advance notice as possible when first approaching newsdesks about a story and to be especially mindful of clashing events.

Entertainment Editor at PA Media, Kerri-Ann Roper, reinforced the fact that timing is crucial, explaining that attempting to generate interest in a story five minutes before Boris Johnson is due to host a press conference, would be exactly the wrong time to expect a journalist’s optimum attention.

Kerri-Ann also advised giving journalists a follow-up call after sending a release – but allowing some breathing space and not calling within a few minutes of sending the story.

Be clear, concise…sell your story and cover every element

One thing every PR will have experienced is having their story spiked by news desks. The panel explored some of the things that journalists look for in a press release and what really doesn’t work.

Matt Brown, Director of News and External Relations at TfL (and the 2020 winner of the ‘Mark Mellor Outstanding Contribution to the Industry’ PRCA award) called for press releases to be “clear and crisp”, “grammatically concise” and to “get to the point quickly”.

“It’s got to scream the headline straight away” and “tell a story” for it to land, he argued.

According to Kerri-Ann Roper, your press release is one of the most important weapons in your arsenal as a PR: “Your press release is your brand – what is the sell? Make that really clear”.

Ben Monro-Davies emphasised the importance of content in all forms.  In his role at Sky, one of the most obvious things he always looks for is filming access.  Citing the example of PM Boris Johnson and his history of golden TV moments (such as dangling from a zipwire or rugby tackling a child), the ability to capture that content is key and it’s essential to make content or filming opportunities clear on a news release.

With the news increasingly digitally focused, Matt Brown echoed these points about content in all forms, with the inclusion of graphics and pictures always a welcome addition and, if you are to enable filming, ensuring you have engaging, media-trained spokespeople to front stories.

Pushing through the pandemic

Throughout last year and right up to the present day, the pandemic is the primary focus for news outlets. Some PRs have understandably had difficulty muscling in on the news agenda and have seen non-Covid stories pushed aside.  Yet, even at the busiest time argues Ben Monro-Davies, “a strong, human story can be of enormous value to a news organisation”.   

PA Media’s Kerri-Ann Roper added that it’s about understanding your audience, knowing your market and what you’re trying to sell. Thinking carefully about the reason someone would want to pay attention to something that’s not about the pandemic, is key to achieving traction with a story.  Kerri-Ann encourages PRs to go that extra mile and think outside the box when selling their story: 

“We as journalists think, how can we move this on? What’s the next way to take this to the next level?  Think about how can I add to this? What can you give me that I can put out there that nobody else has,  that’s going to elevate the story, that’s perhaps going to tell the story in a different way and shine some new light on it”.

PRs and journalists can be friends

At the start of the session, Matt Brown spoke about the symbiotic relationship between journalists and PRs and their dependency on each other.  One of his many memorable statements was “a journalist is for life, not just for Christmas”, pointing out that building a relationship and building trust can help towards your coverage, particularly at times of difficult or unwelcome media scrutiny.  At such times, it’s essential to get your narrative across, so relationships are huge assets in these circumstances.

Asked whether PRs and journalists can be friends, Matt saw no issue with PRs able to enjoy friendly drinks and relations with journalists and keeping a certain openness about what is going on within their organisation.

Although unlikely to be spotted down the park playing frisbee, when asked about their favourite working lunch meal, Matt spoke fondly of Turkish restaurants in the Southwark area, and treating one of his media contacts to a bacon roll and coffee – something hopefully for transport journalists to look forward to once normal office life resumes!

Our first event in the PA Meets series provided a fascinating discussion and speakers shared valuable tips and advice that PR professionals can put to immediate use in their careers.

We thank everyone who attended and special thanks to the PRCA for their support, as well as to our distinguished panel of experts for their time.

You can view the on-demand recording at your own convenience here and follow all the latest news and updates on PA Meets here.

Be sure to register your attendance for our next event, PR Pivots in the Pandemic, taking place Tuesday 6th April at 12pm.

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