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Delivering sports coverage in unprecedented times

By Jamie Gardner 31/07/2020

With live sporting events cancelled or postponed at the start of the coronavirus pandemic and only recently returning behind closed doors, PA Media’s Chief Sports Reporter Jamie Gardner reflects on what has been a crazy few months for the world of sports journalism. From looking ahead to the exciting calendar year of live sport events back in February, to the hard-hitting reality of the pandemic’s impact on sport through to the new normal of reporting on live sport in new and never before experienced settings – Jamie shares insight into his experience of delivering sports coverage in unprecedented times.

Coronavirus sports coverage - Brighton & Hove Albion staff wearing club face masks before the the Premier League match at the AMEX Stadium, Brighton.
Brighton & Hove Albion staff wearing club face masks before the the Premier League match at the AMEX Stadium, Brighton.

By Sunday, March 1, I really felt as though I was hitting my stride.

I was approaching the six-month mark in my new role and flew home that morning from Belfast, where I had been covering the annual general meeting of football’s law-makers the International Football Association Board.

The coronavirus was on our radar then – it was already having a major impact on sport in Asia and in Italy, and FIFA’s president Gianni Infantino was asked about it that weekend.

But it still seemed like an abstract concept, and reporters mingled with top administrators from the British Isles and far beyond as they always did at these events. It felt like a great contacts-building exercise, as did UEFA’s annual congress in Amsterdam on March 3, which I also covered. UEFA’s executive committee held a meeting the day before – coronavirus was not even on the agenda.

A member of the committee was asked by those of us doorstepping whether it had been discussed as part of ‘any other business’, and we were told that it had, but for “about two minutes”.

Ten days later, professional football in England had been indefinitely postponed. Ten days after that, the UK was in lockdown. World sport went into shutdown.

From that point on, the way sports journalism was done transformed overnight. Old-fashioned networking was out, Zoom calls were in.

I am fairly new to the sports news beat, but speaking to veterans of it, this was the busiest time any of them had ever known. 

Normally it’s a big story if a governing body at home or international level is in existential crisis – they were now all facing one all at the same time.

My job came to be one of assessing the damage – how much would the elite events lose from broadcast rights and sponsorship if their events could not go ahead? 

For those competitions where spectators were all important, how would they survive without match day revenue?

How would Olympic athletes, who taper their preparations exactly to coincide with a summer Games, cope with the fact there was no event until July 2021?

What would a pandemic do to the mental health of footballers in League One and Two of the EFL, out of contract in the summer and with few guarantees of future employment?   

Myself and my colleagues tried to answer these questions, and more, as the country entered lockdown. These were the questions that mattered to sports fans, and as employees of the UK and Ireland’s national news agency, we felt a duty to provide as much clarity as we could.

PA reporters never rely on being spoon-fed quotes from press conferences, but now more than ever the pressure was on us to chase down interviewees and move on the debate while actual live sport was in hibernation.

As green shoots of hope began to emerge, the questions turned to how could sport safely return?

The PA news agency was the first to get an on-the-record admission from the UK’s national football policing lead that playing the remaining matches of the 2019-20 season on a home-and-away basis would “present challenges” for emergency services stretched by the pandemic.

On May 1, two days after that story ran on the PA news service, Premier League clubs were told the only way they could finish the season was if they were all prepared to play it out at eight to 10 neutral venues.

By the time the league restarted on June 17, that position had shifted after further discussions between league, police and Government.

My work does not tend to take me to many live matches, but for my colleagues who do it on a regular basis, it has been a totally different experience since sport restarted.

There are no press rooms to swap gossip with fellow reporters, no mixed zones for follow-ups. Press boxes are socially distanced, face masks are mandatory and manager press conferences take place via video conferencing software.

You arrive an hour before a game and have to leave swiftly afterwards, another challenge for a PA reporter with such extensive filing requirements.

The world will probably never again feel or look exactly like it did on that Sunday morning in Belfast.

But the months since then have demonstrated the agility of the PA sports service, and the resourcefulness and creativity of its editorial staff. 

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