Marc Koskela
Marc Koskela is Group Head of Marketing at PA Media
Giving users exclusive access to PA Media’s breaking newswire at the same time as the media, Mediapoint is our unrivalled news-monitoring solution for PR and communications professionals across the UK.
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Product update May 2020

By Marc Koskela 15/05/2020

One of the aims for the recently updated Mediapoint platform is to make sure that we’re constantly bringing improvements to the product. As customers look to stay on top of industry-related news or crisis management we want to make sure they can easily discover the stories that matter to them – whether that’s as a story breaks or to help plan for the future.

With this in mind, our latest release has included two extremely useful updates for all users:

Email Me functionality
We understand PR and communications professionals are busy, so anything we can do to help them to share relevant stories more quickly is critical.

With our latest release, users can now have the text of any Lead, Sidebar or Press Release emailed directly to them. They can simply the Email Me button on the Leads tab of any Lead or Sidebar and on the main Press Release pages. The full text of the page will then be sent to the email used to log in.

Diary Event page
A critical feature for users wanting to know what the PA news agency will be covering in the coming days, weeks and months. As well as making cosmetic changes to the Diary Event page, users can now search the Diary from this page helping customers to more quickly find events relevant to them.

Diary event

These are both features that many customers have asked us for, so we’re pleased to be able to help them do their job better in future. If you have any features that you would like to see included in future releases do email us at

The past six months have been busy for the team at PA Media with the relaunch of Mediapoint at the end of 2019. After an intensive period migrating customers to the new system, we can report that this project is nearing completion and we are now seeing significantly increased usage of the platform – triple what it was at the start of the year.

Alongside this, more and more people are taking advantage of the improved functionality with a continued increase in the number of customer contributions and saved searches. If you’re not using these features already, take a look at our guides that explain how to take advantage of some of most commonly used.

Looking to the future, our Product team continue to work on the Mediapoint roadmap and we will soon be launching a more comprehensive update to our diary and forward planning feature, including the ability to submit events. We will also be opening up new content channels in the coming months to complement and enhance what clients can currently access within the platform.

Do look out for updates in future Mediapoint blogs – we’re looking forward to sharing these features in more detail as soon as they’re available.

More information about Mediapoint can be found here

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