Pete Clifton
Pete Clifton is Editor-in-Chief at PA Media

How to access all PA’s content from home

By Pete Clifton 20/03/2020

The coronavirus pandemic provides extraordinary developments every day, and there was another one this week in PA’s world – a full service going out to customers with our main London newsroom completely empty.

If you’d have asked me six months ago I’d have said it would never happen, and I’d have struggled to come up with a reason why it would.

But the rapidly moving situation meant it had to be sorted. Our move to the new HQ at Paddington meant that many of our reporters and editors were already equipped with laptops for the office and homeworking.  So the addition of some extra kit, diverting phones, establishing more messaging groups and a few rapid trials meant by 19 March the whole thing was being done remotely.

An impressive achievement that spoke volumes for the flexibility of our brilliant journalists and the great work from the support teams.

Clearly, the crisis has meant massive upheaval for many of our customers too, and we will stand shoulder to shoulder with them to get through such a difficult time.

One major benefit for them is our new PA Explore platform. This brings together all PA’s content in one place for the first time, and has the added benefit of being easily accessible at home and on mobiles and tablets. We were in the process of rolling out the platform to our customers this year, and we have accelerated that in the light of the major move to home working. And the good news is, it’s all part of the existing PA service.

I did a webinar on the new platform recently which you can see here.

There are guides to both Create and our other news product, Now. These should offer you a comprehensive understanding of these products and showcase their key features and how to use them effectively.

View our Create guide.

View our Now guide.

Should you need access to Create, please email and a member of my team will arrange this for you.

If you want to know more, please get in touch.

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