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TV Metadata Editorial

Get your TV programming noticed with compelling copy crafted by our highly skilled metadata editors.


Team of experienced metadata editors

PA TV Metadata employs a team of experienced metadata editors who are passionate about TV and equally adept at crafting and copywriting.

Copy can be created from scratch to fit with the brand and voice of your channel or existing synopses can be edited to ensure it is stylistically, grammatically and factually correct. Our editors ensure they fully understand the tone of a channel and its position in the marketplace before taking pen to paper.

Highlights documents

As well as billings, we craft enticing highlights copy, picking out specific programmes from your monthly schedules. This is then sent out to publishers to help increase the profile of your flagship television events.

Automated TV highlights documents can be created from predefined branded templates.

These templates can accommodate longer, more descriptive content – either provided by PA TV Metadata or your own editorial staff. The highlights text can be stored against the appropriate TV programme, series or episode along with relevant images, transmission information and any other metadata that is deemed to add value, such as production years for movies and the number of episodes in a TV series.

TV synopsis creation and metadata research

Our process to create the perfect TV synopsis:

Our database is populated with the necessary data. Any outstanding information is sourced from trusted systems, catalogues and production houses.

A report is run to highlight which TV programmes require synopses to be written.

Our staff then contact TV production companies and press offices to gather sufficient information to write synopses of less than 90, 180, and 500 characters.

Programme synopses are written in accordance with TV channel style guides that reflect individual tone and voice, from character limits to appropriate vocabulary.

Editorial quality assurance

No editor ever proofreads their own work as we believe a second pair of eyes is crucial for maintaining high-quality output when it comes to text and associated data. PA TV Metadata applies a multi-step process to ensure all editorial work meets the highest standards:

The first step is to apply the correct tone and style and ensure that the copy meets character count limits and any other requirements.

Editorial is thoroughly fact-checked and reviewed to ensure that all required TV metadata fields have been completed correctly (such as ratings, genres, contributors and access services).

Completed copy is reviewed again internally to verify the style, spelling, grammar and factual accuracy.

Sign-off is then granted. If a client wishes to grant final approval, the text is shared with them before being saved in Pawa.

Late TV schedule changes and amendments

TV schedules are subject to change, ensuring that viewers are aware of such changes is extremely important.

Small amendments can be emailed or phoned through in advance. However, schedule reissues are preferable for larger changes. Because Pawa can be accessed through a browser, out-of-hours or last-minute changes can be performed in-house if required, ensuring your EPG is kept accurate 24/7. Out-of-hours support can be provided if required.

Contact us