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PA Group appoints Paul Dacre and James Goode to its board of directors

By Christopher Henry-Reeve 03/04/2019

London, 3 April 2019: PA Group, the news and information business and parent company of the Press Association, has appointed two new members to its board of directors.

Paul Dacre, Chairman & Editor-in-Chief of Associated Newspapers joins the board as a non-executive director, while James Goode, who was named Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of PA Group in 2018, becomes an executive director.

Clive Marshall, Chief Executive Officer at PA Group, said:

“It is a pleasure to welcome Paul Dacre and James Goode to the board of directors. Each brings a unique set of insights which will be invaluable as PA Group continues to diversify its business portfolio – Paul as one of the longest-serving newspaper editors in modern times and James with his background in strategic investments and acquisitions across in a variety of public, private and international organisations.”

Dacre and Goode replace Kevin Beatty, Chief Executive Officer, DMG Media, and Ed Ethelston, formerly CFO at PA Group, who both stepped down from the board in 2018.



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