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PA's Niall Carson wins two awards at the Northern Ireland Press Photographer of the Year Awards 2018

By Christopher Henry-Reeve 02/07/2018

Niall Carson’s picture of people sheltering from the rain at the Ulster Memorial Tower topped the ‘People’ category at the 2018 Northern Ireland Press Photographer of the Year Awards.

The annual ceremony organised by the Northern Ireland Press Photographer’s Association, took place at the Chimney Corner Hotel on Thursday 28 June.

Niall – a regional photographer for PA (the Press Association) – captured his winning shot as guests waited ahead of a service to mark the 100th anniversary of the start of the Battle of the Somme.

He also secured 3rd place recognition in the ‘Politics’ category with a shot of Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) leader Arlene Foster arriving to deliver her keynote address at the party’s annual conference in Belfast.

The big winner on the night was Liam McBruney, a freelance photographer and regular PA contributor. In addition to being named overall Photographer of the Year, Liam took home five more prizes: 2nd place in the ‘Politics’, ‘People’, ‘Picture Story’ & ‘Sports’ categories and a National Merit Award.

All the winning pictures from the Northern Ireland Press Photographer of the Year Awards 2018 can be seen on Facebook.  

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